Vacation Bible School was a blast for the boys as well as Lauren and I!! Lauren wasn't old enough to stay for the Bible/class time, crafts, or snack time but we stayed for the Worship time in the BIG group. She loved the music and the Kangaroo, Nicholas. She didn't want to leave. Every morning when she woke up she would ask for VBS and to hear the music.
Josh with his friends, Jacob & Jonathan, and his class.
Caleb brought Jesse, his friend, to VBS. This was Caleb's last time attending VBS as a grade- schooler. I was so sad when I dropped him off that I cried. He will be "too old" to attend next year but he is excited to be a helper. And hopefully we will have our own VBS in our new church building.
This was Nicholas, the Kangaroo. And yes, they drove a REAL 4-WHEELER!! IT WAS SO COOL!! The theme was "the Boomerang Express", it was an Australian take on VBS. It was so cool!! The Kids learned to Follow, Worship and Live Through Him!! They learned about following Jesus, worshipping Him and living for Him!!
This was the stage set-up at Liberty Baptist Church. There were over 1,500 kids.
The boys took a field trip with Dad up to Baltimore Inner Harbor to catch an Orioles game. They met Uncle Howard Johnson for breakfast. To kill some time, they went to Baltimore Aquarium and the ESPN Zone.
Uncle HOJO!!
They are truly excited to be there but very tired since they had to wake up early to meet Uncle HOJO for Breakfast. It was a LONG day!!
Thanks HOJO for the great seats!!
Camden Yards, Sweet Stadium!!