The "girl" cousins, Paige, Lauren and Kaleah.
My mother-in-law's amazing Christmas lunch spread. Way too much food!!
Christmas night the kid's opening up their gifts.
Lauren got the "12 Dancing Princesses" which she now watches everyday.
And she keeps talking about one day marrying a "prince". Thanks to Aunt Virginia for this!! Just kidding. And I told her she needs to grow big like Mommy, which she says "Mommy I am big now." I have also said her prince needs to be a prince that loves Jesus!!
Aunt Christa always buys the coolest gifts that the boys love!!
All of the Brown's and Bauer's.
All the cousins, Paige, Lauren, Hudson, Kaleah, Caleb and Josh.
The boys!!
Josh had my camera and I found many pictures taken by him. He took this one but I loved it, so I had to post it.
This was Christmas Eve and we decided to open all of the gifts from Grandma and Grandad. We saved the Aunt's and Uncle's gifts to the kids so they had something to open on Christmas day.
We brought our Wii knowing Grandma bought the boys Mario Kart. I think the adults had way more fun though. This is Uncle Peter and Uncle Matt.
Lauren trying to be patient as each cousin opened up a gift in age order.
The boys were pumped about Mario Kart.
When we got to Grandma and Grandad's house there was already snow on the ground about one foot. The boys were outside playing in it the whole week. A few days before Christmas, they decided to go to a nearby Christian Camp ground where there are awesome steep hills to sled down. They had a blast while I stayed home with the sleeping little ones. Above is Josh sledding with Paige.
My studdly husband, sporting his "retro" 90's outfit.
Love the hair Josh!!
The snow kept the boys so entertained. It brought back memories of my childhood. I use to be out playing and sledding in the snow with my sister's for hours. We would come in to warm up for some hot cocoa and then go back out. The boys were out all day and would even go back out at night. They had a blast!! Thanks Grandma and Grandad!!