Thursday, August 28, 2008

Adventuring to PA to visit Aunt Sarah & Uncle Josh's

Yes, from the beach I drove with all three kids by myself to visit my Sis. It wasn't so bad and the view was absolutly breathtaking! What a great place to raise boys!! It is almost like heaven. My boys had a blast catching frogs with Will (since we don't have frogs where we live), skipping rocks and playing in the creek, and their highlight was fishing with Uncle Josh (the fish Pro), and they both had to get their hands on beautiful little Abby! Lauren had many first's at Aunt Sarah's too, her first real mini-ice cream cone, picking blueberries (all of our first's), tubing with Mom on the lake, and swinging on a big kid swing by herself. We had so much fun that even though the boys and I were missing Dad lots, Josh said "I wish we could live here"! Thanks Josh and Sarah for putting up with us. We had a great visit and I'm sorry for all the damage I caused (inside joke)! Of course it was hard to leave my awesome Sister, Sweet Sarah!! Love you and miss you too much!!


Christy said...

Very Cute. I know that view is amazing... it's GOd's wonderful and beautiful creation up there... not that it isn't where we both live... but you see it in all it's majesty up there. Part ofme would love it up there too... but after a summer I think I'd be ready to get closer to the city... although if we all lived so close we'd probably not miss it all that much! Life would be so much simpler.

Tracy said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun visiting your sister...I love the beach...could probbly live there ;o}-