Friday, August 1, 2008

A "boring" day

Remember when you were a kid and you had those days where you were "bored"? This is what Caleb does on those days... he builds these HUGE roller coasters and it takes 1-2 days. They are pretty cool! While Caleb was building this massive coaster, Lauren was keeping busy in her kitchen.


sarah said...

glad the rollercoaster still works and that will didn't break it. you may have many of those "boring " days up here!!
glad you are getting zucchini... i have two coming in, but they are so much smaller and slower than the squash....

Christy said...

Wow, that is a pretty cool coaster. What does he build it with, is it a kit or something? Hope you guys are doing well. I will be talking to you soon. Love you,